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Crash Logs

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Π‘rash logs serve as valuable diagnostic tools that help developers identify and troubleshoot issues or bugs that cause the application to crash or behave unexpectedly. There are multiple possibilities to share logs from your Android device with the OsmAnd development team. As of now, IOS users can send only one type of crash log.

Crash and logcat logs​

From the OsmAnd you can send to the developers two types of data:

  • Crash logs (crash reports or crash dumps). They are generated when the OsmAnd app encounters a critical error or exception that causes it to crash. These logs contain detailed information about the state of the application at the time of the failure, including build data, stack traces, error messages, and other important data.
  • Logcat logs. It is a record of a generated by OsmAnd log stream that captures various events and messages. Developers can use logcat logs to monitor app behavior, track the flow of execution, trace specific actions, and investigate issues that might not result in a crash but still require analysis. This file usually contains records of activity since the app was last started.

Be careful when sending logcat log files, while they may contain some sort of private information: the device's location, search and route building results, and navigation data.

Send logs from OsmAnd app (Android)​

  1. Go to Menu β†’ Help β†’ Send crash log (Send logcat log). Depending on your situation, select the appropriate type of log. The difference between them is described above.
  2. In the pop-up menu, choose Gmail or your mailing app. The letter will be generated automatically.
  3. Tap send button.

Send crash logs from Android 1 Send crash logs from Android 2

Send logs from iOS devices​

  1. Logs from iOs devices can be sent:
  • Automaticaly: Menu β†’ Help β†’ Report an issue (Send log)

    • Next, using your email program, we recommend sending the logs to
  • Manually: chose iOS system app Files β†’ On my iPhone (or On my iPad) β†’ OsmAnd Maps β†’ Logs.

Send crash logs iOS 1 Send crash logs iOS 2

  1. Send IPS-format of logs and authorization data:
  • iOS Settings β†’ Analytics β†’ Analytics Data β†’ OsmAnd Maps ips-format file.
  • Next, using your email program, we recommend sending the logs to

Send crash logs iOS 1 Send crash logs iOS 2

Send tombstone files (Android only)​


Only for advanced users!

In some (difficult, unusual) cases, Tombstone files may be needed. Tombstone files contain stack traces for all the threads in a crashing process (not just the thread that caught the signal), a full memory map, and a list of all open file descriptors. They serve as essential diagnostic tools for native code debugging and troubleshooting on the Android platform.

Using your device​

To export the tombstone files, you must first create a bug report using Android system settings:

  • Enable Developer options (this screen is hidden by default).
    • Go to Settings β†’ About phone β†’ Software information (this path is valid for Samsung devices).
    • Tap Build number seven times (after that you will see pop-up telling you, that developer mode is active now).
  • Go to Developer options, that is usually at the bottom of the settings list. You can also use search function.
    • In Developer options, tap Take bug report option.
    • Select the type of bug report and tap Report.

After a moment you will get a notification that the bug report is ready. Tap the notification box to download it to the memory of your device. Unzip it and send the needed tombstone files to the OsmAnd developers team (

Send crash logs from Android 3 Send crash logs from Android 4


Please note, that bug reports may contain private data (app usage or location).

Using ADB​

Android Debugging Bridge (ADB) is a command-line utility that allows developers to debug their applications. You need to download and install this app before using it for debugging. Please, follow the guide from the official site.

Prepare your device​

Don't forget to enable Developer options (this screen is hidden by default) and turn USB debugging on.

  • Go to Settings β†’ About phone β†’ Software information.
  • Tap Build number seven times (after that, you will see a pop-up telling you that developer mode is active now).
  • In the Developer options, turn USB debugging on.

Once completed, connect with a USB cable your workstation to your device. If the device has never been connected to your workstation, a pop-up will appear asking if it's OK to allow debugging.

Generate bug report​

  1. Open a command line terminal. On a Mac or Linux workstation, it's the Terminal app. On a Windows workstation it's the Command Line.
  2. Use the cd (change directory) command to reach the platform-tools folder where adb is located (for example, cd /Users/Username/Downloads/Tools).
  3. The command for generating the bug report depends on your OS:
    • On Mac use adb bugreport
    • On Windows: adb.exe bugreport
  4. It may take a few minutes to generate the report. Once completed, it will be copied to the same directory where adb is located.
  5. Unzip the resulting file.
  6. Find the tombstones folder with files named tombstone_00, tombstone_01 etc.
  7. Send the tombstones files to email:

Using rooted devices or Android Studio emulator​

  • If you have root access to your device, you can directly open folder /data/tombstones.

  • In Android Studio, you can using emulator open Device File Explorer β†’ find folder /data/tombstones. In this folder, you will see files named tombstone_00, tombstone_01, etc. Just download them and send them to email

Find more about bug reports in Android documentation.